Feminist movements against femicides – a panel on international perspectives

Die AG Feministischer Streik Wien ist für Claim the Space beim Panel dabei!

Within German discourse, be it in the (political) public, at the university or in media, the mention of feminicides is marginal. Among feminist movements in Germany the fight against feminicides is only just beginning too. In many countries worldwide exists an active feminist mobilization and activism regarding this topic though. International perspectives from the different feminist struggles will be brought together at this online panel.
What can we learn from the feminist struggles against feminicides worldwide? What are the difficulties, what the successes of the respective movements? These questions and more will be the topic of the final event in the series „Fight Femicide“. Activists of „Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız“ from Turkey, „AG feministischer Streik Wien“ from Austria, „femicid.net“ from Russia, „Netzwerk gegen Feminizide“ from Germany and „CEPAM Guayaquli“ from Ecuador will tell us about their experiences and struggles. Together we want to exchange ideas to learn from each other and develop common feminist perspectives.
